If you’re a business leader questioning the impact of marketing investments, you’re certainly not alone. There’s a reason C-Suite attitudes around marketing regularly border on skepticism. 

Consider this unofficial definition:

     Professional Marketer

  1. A person skilled in the promotion of products and services for the purpose of persuading consumers to buy or rent them.

  2. Secondary definition: A person skilled in the creation of slide presentations for the purpose of persuading superiors to let them continue creating slide presentations. 

The fact is, despite lofty promises that the digitization of media would bring certainty and rigor to the advertising and marketing professions, the reality today too often seems not very far removed from that described (apocryphally) by the famed early-20th-century retailing magnate John Wanamaker: “I know that half of my advertising budget is wasted, I just don’t know which half.” 

And yet.

For all the challenges facing 21st-century marketers (digital and otherwise), what was true in Wanamaker’s time is true today: the most effective marketing campaigns combine right-brain dreaming with left-brain counting.

That is to say, creativity is even more critical today than ever. You need a big, bold narrative to cut through the clutter of the modern era. That’s as true for B2B companies as it is for direct-to-consumer marketers. 

But as a full-service, on-demand growth marketing team, we here at 100 YARDS know that if the numbers don’t add up, that bold creative wasn’t such a great idea after all. In other words: Both the left brain (the logic and language locus) and right brain (the innovation and intuition hub) are important for impactful marketing. 

We would know: collectively, 100 YARDS leverages both sides of the brain to serve each of our clients. Our work is inspired by big ideas and executed in easy-to-measure ways for real accountability. You won’t find opaque marketing metrics that feel fabricated to the (rightly) wary business leader. 

You can learn more about our take on B2B marketing by reading The Non-Marketer’s Guide to Marketing in pillars that roughly follow the marketing journey. 

Because if you don’t use the words “pillars” and “journey” in a marketing article, who's gonna take you seriously?

About 100 YARDS

100 YARDS is your growth marketing team on demand. We work with founders, executive leadership, and lead investors to build big, bold narratives and acquisition strategies to fuel what comes next in your company’s journey. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help your business make the most of marketing to scale efficiently and effectively. 

Get in touch with us to learn more.